Learn How to Run a Restaurant Kitchen
Have you ever wondered what it takes to run a successful restaurant? Have you ever wondered what makes a dining establishment super popular with customers? Perhaps, it’s the gastronomical offerings. Perhaps, it’s the way the spicy dishes are just prepared just right? Perhaps, it’s the ambiance and décor? In truth, you can definitely count all these things because they matter. But ultimately, success depends on how the kitchen is run. So, if you intend to learn how to properly manage an eatery or bistro, you might as well learn how to run a restaurant kitchen.
It’s All Depends on the Kitchen!
It doesn’t matter if you have the best food in the city. It doesn’t matter if your decor is ultra savvy. It doesn’t matter if you have impeccably groomed staff. What matters is that you can run your place well, and you know how to run a restaurant kitchen. This is the basic. The success of a dining establishment depends on how well it is managed. Food should be prepared at the right time. The cooking areas should be spic and span. You can’t have cockroaches crawling all over your ingredients. This means that you need to have proper garbage management system. These things are all part of managing a kitchen properly.
Tips on How to Run a Restaurant Kitchen
Although you will learn more if you will undergo formal training and hands-on training, perhaps, it will be to your benefit if you have an idea how to go about operating a kitchen properly.
First, there are the practical solutions. For instance, you have to make sure that you have a working dishwasher. If you can get the best model in the market, then do so. You can’t lose customers over stained platters or dirty forks.
Another practical suggestion is this – you need to have the necessary staffs. You need preparation chefs and line chefs. They are often overlooked but the whole thing starts with them. They chop the vegetables and they knead the dough. Along with these chefs, you also need to make sure that you have a sous chef. You can’t risk losing customers because your head chef is sick. You need to have someone who will take charge when the head chef is not available. Of course, if you have a sous chef, you also need to have a head chef- and you have to get the best one!
These are just some of the things that you have to know about running a kitchen successfully. Learning how to run a restaurant kitchen is easy. You just have to take those brave first steps and start learning now!
Chef Matthew, the owner of ProChef360 Blog.com [http://prochef360blog.com], is an expert in culinary arts. He is after all an outstanding chef, having had worked in some of the finest resorts, hotels and restaurants in the world. His interest, however, in social media was awakened when he started his own websites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Matt_Goudge/1006382
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