Restaurant Website – An Effective Marketing Strategy?

Marketing strategy concept – many uses for company.
Do people in the food business have a need for a restaurant website? Traditional businessmen might have an outright answer to this: NO! It’s just an added cost. Besides people go to a restaurant to eat; they don’t surf the Internet to order delivery.
And that is the common mistake of most restaurant owners. They assume that people only go to the Internet for products and services that they want to order online and be delivered at home.
The Internet is, as the cliche goes, the world’s super highway to information. And, that is precisely what business people must bank on; the very raison d’etre why any business, for that matter, ought to have a website. People use the Internet to get information about things they either need or are curious about.
A website won’t hurt any business; all businesses even the brick and mortar ones greatly benefit from a website. Business websites lend global presence and large scale branding to companies of whatever niche and market. A restaurant website for that matter will be an essential marketing strategy that tells your customers you are not only updated but is keen on informing your clientele about who you are and what you can do for them. This is a significant act of showing commitment in serving and satisfying the clients’ needs.
A simple yet elegant website showcasing your most prominent features will be a great restaurant website for starters. An excellent one page site with details like cuisine, restaurant address, contact info, and a detail map where to find you will be sufficient to establish a good internet presence.
If you want to be more interactive with your clients, you can also add a page for customer review and maybe a simple blog page which will inform your customer about what you’re doing and other special offerings that you might have on special occasions.
An informative restaurant website will also eliminate simple yet important calls that are repetitive and seem to come during rush hours when everybody is busy with restaurant work. Your client will benefit from your restaurant website more than you do since finding out information that usually means calling will be necessary online — any time and wherever they are!
And to bring your Internet presence to a higher level, why not have your restaurant listed on the online directories. One such first-rate directory is LaCartes.com; they welcome restaurants of any kind from around the globe. The service is free and restaurant owners can upload all details about their business including pictures without the added cost. It is the perfect business solution, right?
Gigi Silerio writes for a leading restaurant directory [http://food.lacartes.com/] with more than a thousand restaurant listings around the world. LaCartes.com provides sign-up for free membership to restaurants around the world. For more information, visit our directory website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gigi_Silerio/415796
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