Lunch To Dinner Changes Your Restaurant Atmosphere
Many restaurants that offer both lunch and dinner want to create a nicer atmosphere for the dinner crowd. It is common to offer a wider menu selection as well as to charge more for meals in the evening time. You want your guests to feel that coming in for dinner is worth it. That means you need to make some changes that are effective yet affordable. You also want them to be something that can be done quickly.
You may be thinking that this is a concept you agree with, but you don’t need any more overhead expenses to deal with. The good news is that most of these details you can implement don’t require much of an investment at all. The price is minimal as it the time involved in the transformation process.
For example you likely use paper place mats for your lunch crowd. This is fine and most of them won’t give it a second though. You can easily upgrade to cloth table settings in lovely colors. Get pretty napkins and fold them into a great design. This will definitely enhance the look of the table where they will eat dinner over what they see during lunch time.
The lighting in the restaurant is something to consider as well. You may find it really adds to the look if you are able to dim the lights for the evening meal. This is great for those looking for a comfortable and even romantic atmosphere to eat in. You will also find this method saves you some money on your electric bill. You should be able to have a dinner switch installed by a professional electrician for an affordable price.
Don’t forget how a change in lighting can affect the atmosphere as well. You will want softer lighting for dinner than for lunch. This may require a small investment but most electricians can give you a good price. Keep in mind you will save money each month on your electric bill too. Put some effort into offering different music to enjoy at night as well.
Casual seating is common for the lunch crowd but you want it to be more guided for dinner. A hostess should seat the guests based on their preference of seating in the evening. If you expect the place to be quite busy you may allow people to call ahead to place a reservation as well.
You can easily implement these tips as well as others that may be a good move for your specific type of restaurant. If you are careful in your planning stages you will find this transformation doesn’t have to be expensive. You should view it as an investment in the longevity of your restaurant. You want this to be something that works quite well for you and that staff can accomplish in a short span of time.
It doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming to accomplish this. Make sure your staff understands the transition and can effectively set it up. There is no reason why you can’t offer a dramatic change between your lunch time and dinner time atmosphere. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put into it. Explore your options and be creative so you can offer something amazing.
Patricia Farnham writes about the ups and downs of the restaurant business. To read her opinions, warning and advice on how to start a restaurant and other topics, visit her website .
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